Player Stats

User: jamps
Class: IdleWizard
Level: 80
Next level: 0 days, 16:17:58
Gold: 24178
Gems: 169
Upgrade level: 5
Alignment: Neutral
Ability: Wizard
XP: 6997
Life: 77
Scrolls Used: 5/5
Mana Potion: 1/1
Exp Used: 0/5

Data Refreshed: Sat Jul 27 08:41:44 2024
User Host: jamps!
Admin?: No
Account Created: Thu Sep 9 16:23:18 2021
Last login: Thu Sep 9 16:23:18 2021
Status: Online
Total time idled: 197 days, 05:01:16
Current position: [577,59]
Player is: in town
Work Time: 0
Town Time: 0
Forest Time: 9 days, 11:06:13
Creep Attack in: 0
Dragon Slay in: 0
Battle Recover: 0 days, 23:45:16
Tournament Recover: 0


amulet: 2485
boots: 2652
charm: 488
gloves: 544
helm: 603
leggings: 472
ring: 644
shield: 2478
tunic: 4168
weapon: 4805

Sum: 19339

Expert 1: weapon
Expert 2: 0
Expert 3: 0

Stone 1: 0
Stone 2: 0
Stone 3: 0

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 317
Battles Lost: 188
Total Battle Time Removed: 327 days, 09:36:33
Total Battle Time Added: 86 days, 09:04:45
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 1

Total Penalties
for kick: None
for logout: None
for mesg: 0 days, 00:15:29
for nick: 0 days, 01:05:32
for part: None
for quest: None
for quit: 0 days, 01:19:01

Total: 0 days, 02:40:02
Above Is Excluding Battles
Lotto Numbers 1: 3, 5, 15
Lotto Numbers 2: 1, 4, 10
Lotto Numbers 3: 2, 6, 20

Recent Character Modifiers

[07/25/24 04:21:47] jamps has won the Death Match! As a reward, 1 day, 01:16:51 is removed from TTL jamps gets 30 gems, 30 XP and 3000 gold and campari gets 10 gems, 10 XP and 1000 gold..
[07/25/24 20:22:23] f0zk [2/4] has challenged jamps [2442/17880] in combat and lost! 0 days, 03:50:04 is added to f0zk's clock. f0zk gets 1 XP and jamps gets 3 XP. f0zk has 9 life left.
[07/26/24 00:26:44] BustaFrags [105311/113689] has challenged jamps [12375/17880] in combat and won! 1 day, 15:06:08 is removed from BustaFrags's clock. BustaFrags gets 2 XP and jamps gets 1 XP. jamps has 86 life left.
[07/26/24 04:50:11] jamps has won the Town Battle!
[07/26/24 04:50:11] jamps found 10 gems near a cave! jamps will now explore the cave...
[07/26/24 11:26:45] jamps [16578/16661] has challenged trueno [16/26] in combat and won! 0 days, 06:21:59 is removed from jamps's clock. jamps gets 2 XP and trueno gets 2 XP. trueno has 10 life left.
[07/26/24 12:30:07] stealthii [447/1251] has come upon jamps [7861/16661] and been defeated in combat! 3 days, 14:27:18 is added to stealthii's clock. stealthii gets 2 XP and jamps gets 3 XP. stealthii has 98 life left.
[07/26/24 22:26:44] jamps [9680/16661] has challenged Teal'c [136/156] in combat and won! 0 days, 05:03:25 is removed from jamps's clock. jamps gets 2 XP and Teal'c gets 2 XP. Teal'c has 7 life left.
[07/27/24 08:27:26] jamps has won the Town Battle!
[07/27/24 08:27:26] jamps found 10 gems near a cave! jamps will now explore the cave...

[View all Character Modifiers] (1047)
