Player Stats
User: d4n13L |
Data Refreshed: Tue Jan 28 01:56:44 2025 |
amulet: 41 |
Penalties & Battles
Battles Won: 117 |
Recent Character Modifiers
[01/22/25 09:26:45] d4n13L [78/131] has challenged BustaFrags [81327/88920] in combat and lost! 3 days, 07:13:45 is added to d4n13L's clock. d4n13L gets 2 XP and BustaFrags gets 4 XP. d4n13L has 12 life left.
[01/22/25 10:33:29] d4n13L [19/105] has been set upon by some Spiders [44/110] and lost! 2 days, 18:27:09 is added to d4n13L's clock.
[01/22/25 15:11:30] d4n13L was set on fire !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them 3 days, 00:00:58 from level 66.
[01/23/25 02:56:26] d4n13L [93/105] has been set upon by some Spiders [11/112] and won! 4 days, 07:15:13 is removed from d4n13L's clock.
[01/24/25 05:40:31] slinky, jamps, and d4n13L [1853/11978] have hunted down a bunch of Monster [12444/18781] but they beat them badly! 6 days, 02:05:30 is added to their clocks. They all get 2 XP.
[01/24/25 14:30:48] MacRuss, stealthii, and d4n13L [5777/71818] have hunted down a bunch of Monster [17/109122] and defeated them! 0 days, 12:59:01 is removed from their clocks. They all get 5 XP.
[01/25/25 08:16:15] d4n13L misplaced his map !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them 2 days, 02:13:05 from level 66.
[01/25/25 11:47:36] d4n13L [0/105] has been set upon by some Spiders [79/91] and lost! 3 days, 07:31:48 is added to d4n13L's clock.
[01/26/25 12:26:44] d4n13L [103/105] has challenged Q [26/46] in combat and won! 5 days, 11:23:46 is removed from d4n13L's clock. d4n13L gets 1 XP and Q gets 2 XP. Q has 8 life left.
[01/27/25 03:26:43] Smith [18/29] has challenged d4n13L [26/105] in combat and lost! 0 days, 11:13:31 is added to Smith's clock. Smith gets 2 XP and d4n13L gets 2 XP. Smith has 10 life left.