Player Stats
User: Haxx |
Data Refreshed: Tue Jan 28 23:39:44 2025 |
amulet: 36 |
Penalties & Battles
Battles Won: 49 |
Recent Character Modifiers
[12/29/24 12:26:45] Haxx [34/38] has challenged slim [7/11] in combat and won! 3 days, 20:52:41 is removed from Haxx's clock. Haxx gets 1 XP and slim gets 1 XP. slim has 9 life left.
[12/29/24 18:26:20] The Hand of God carried Haxx 10 days, 23:17:39 toward level 60.
[12/29/24 22:26:45] ChanStats [99/191] has challenged Haxx [24/38] in combat and won! 0 days, 06:49:45 is removed from ChanStats's clock. ChanStats gets 4 XP and Haxx gets 2 XP. Haxx has 9 life left.
[12/30/24 09:24:55] FBl [11/26] has challenged Haxx [12/38] in combat and lost! 0 days, 19:12:12 is added to FBl's clock. FBl gets 1 XP and Haxx gets 2 XP. FBl has 9 life left.
[12/30/24 09:34:17] Haxx, root, and nax [1213/1374] have hunted down a bunch of Liches [1502/2165] but they beat them badly! 0 days, 11:47:05 is added to their clocks. They all get 2 XP.
[12/31/24 23:26:45] stealthii [227/333] has challenged Haxx [22/38] in combat and won! 1 day, 04:54:36 is removed from stealthii's clock. stealthii gets 3 XP and Haxx gets 2 XP. Haxx has 9 life left.
[01/01/25 00:26:44] Haxx [13/38] has challenged DFiNE [350/372] in combat and lost! 1 day, 05:34:04 is added to Haxx's clock. Haxx gets 2 XP and DFiNE gets 4 XP. Haxx has 9 life left.
[01/01/25 01:14:12] Haxx had the gem in their ring reset! Haxx's ring gains 10% effectiveness.
[01/01/25 12:23:07] cateye, blaze, and Haxx [1083/1387] have hunted down a bunch of Liches [441/2094] and defeated them! 0 days, 03:29:33 is removed from their clocks. They all get 5 XP.
[01/02/25 04:10:40] untz, Haxx, and Morbihan [1016/1891] have hunted down a bunch of Liches [1270/2919] but they beat them badly! 0 days, 17:10:45 is added to their clocks. They all get 2 XP.