Player Stats
User: Fritzl |
Data Refreshed: Wed Jan 29 03:07:45 2025 |
amulet: 58 |
Penalties & Battles
Battles Won: 67 |
Recent Character Modifiers
[01/24/25 13:26:45] Fritzl [295/344] has challenged Morbihan [32/76] in combat and won! 2 days, 14:17:11 is removed from Fritzl's clock. Fritzl gets 4 XP and Morbihan gets 1 XP. Morbihan has 9 life left.
[01/24/25 22:01:19] Fritzl has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, Fritzl gets 500 gold, 10 XP and 5 points added to each item!
[01/25/25 05:26:45] root [46/59] has challenged Fritzl [66/362] in combat and lost! 1 day, 12:37:42 is added to root's clock. root gets 1 XP and Fritzl gets 4 XP. root has 10 life left.
[01/25/25 23:32:18] Fritzl has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, Fritzl gets 500 gold, 10 XP and 5 points added to each item!
[01/26/25 22:26:45] Fritzl [268/317] has challenged Smith [9/29] in combat and won! 1 day, 15:04:26 is removed from Fritzl's clock. Fritzl gets 1 XP and Smith gets 2 XP. Smith has 10 life left.
[01/27/25 07:26:44] Artea [13/42] has challenged Fritzl [160/295] in combat and lost! 0 days, 08:41:27 is added to Artea's clock. Artea gets 2 XP and Fritzl gets 2 XP. Artea has 10 life left.
[01/27/25 09:26:45] Fritzl [49/273] has challenged Nibs [119/139] in combat and lost! 1 day, 00:47:55 is added to Fritzl's clock. Fritzl gets 1 XP and Nibs gets 2 XP. Fritzl has 46 life left.
[01/28/25 17:26:44] LeftyBSD [158/162] has challenged Fritzl [39/180] in combat and won! 1 day, 10:34:12 is removed from LeftyBSD's clock. LeftyBSD gets 2 XP and Fritzl gets 2 XP. Fritzl has 32 life left.
[01/28/25 23:37:32] Fritzl, Jones, and eroc1990 [1365/1398] have hunted down a bunch of Liches [95/2266] and defeated them! 0 days, 14:33:19 is removed from their clocks. They all get 5 XP.
[01/29/25 00:44:11] Fritzl has won the Neutral Battle! Fritzl received 250 gold, 5 gems and 10 XP.