Player Stats
User: DFiNE |
Data Refreshed: Tue Jan 28 02:55:44 2025 |
amulet: 236 |
Penalties & Battles
Battles Won: 181 |
Recent Character Modifiers
[01/24/25 23:20:45] DFiNE, Jones, and slinky [2024/4647] have hunted down a bunch of Cyclops [2463/7604] but they beat them badly! 5 days, 11:44:22 is added to their clocks. They all get 2 XP.
[01/25/25 00:26:44] stealthii [18/32] has challenged DFiNE [190/615] in combat and lost! 0 days, 07:34:12 is added to stealthii's clock. stealthii gets 1 XP and DFiNE gets 1 XP. stealthii has 8 life left.
[01/25/25 10:26:45] Kippuravarvas [308/370] has challenged DFiNE [414/615] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:35:34 is added to Kippuravarvas's clock. Kippuravarvas gets 2 XP and DFiNE gets 1 XP. Kippuravarvas has 53 life left.
[01/25/25 12:01:48] JMT [15583/32683] has come upon DFiNE [437/615] and taken them in combat! 3 days, 20:55:29 is removed from JMT's clock. JMT gets 4 XP and DFiNE gets 2 XP. DFiNE has 13 life left.
[01/25/25 19:26:44] DFiNE [264/500] has challenged Ganonk [23/39] in combat and won! 6 days, 23:27:52 is removed from DFiNE's clock. DFiNE gets 2 XP and Ganonk gets 1 XP. Ganonk has 9 life left.
[01/26/25 04:26:43] DFiNE [257/500] has challenged bg [8/68] in combat and won! 5 days, 20:59:41 is removed from DFiNE's clock. DFiNE gets 2 XP and bg gets 2 XP. bg has 10 life left.
[01/26/25 05:10:37] DFiNE [204/500] has come upon Kippuravarvas [163/271] and taken them in combat! 4 days, 23:44:09 is removed from DFiNE's clock. DFiNE gets 3 XP and Kippuravarvas gets 2 XP. Kippuravarvas has 38 life left.
[01/26/25 19:26:43] DFiNE [15/500] has challenged Artea [8/42] in combat and won! 3 days, 20:59:34 is removed from DFiNE's clock. DFiNE gets 4 XP and Artea gets 1 XP. Artea has 10 life left.
[01/27/25 18:54:17] eroc1990, Morbihan, and DFiNE [3772/4749] have hunted down a bunch of Cyclops [5196/7173] but they beat them badly! 1 day, 00:09:38 is added to their clocks. They all get 2 XP.
[01/27/25 23:10:09] DFiNE, Pontuzz, xanax, and BustaFrags have blessed the realm by completing their quest! 100 LIFE & 25% of their burden is eliminated and they have a chance to find some loot each.